Conference Theme: Resilience
July 24-28 at Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, Illinois
Registration due Monday, April 2024
Conference registration costs include one year of membership with SPCW as well as online subscription access to Journal of Philosophy in the Contemporary World.
Registration fees:
Faculty: $130 per person
Students and Independent Scholars (no institutional affiliation/support): $40 per person
Registration fees are due by Monday, April 22, 2024, and can be paid using this PayPal link: or using this PayPal ID: @spcw1993
Please enter “2024 Conference Registration and Membership” as the reason for payment.
If you would like to mail your payment please contact Christian Matheis at in advance to let us know to expect a check. Checks can be mailed to:
c/o Christian Matheis
3005 Masonic Drive
Greensboro, NC 27403