Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World



Join the Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World in a venture that seeks to bring more fun, warm fellowship, and greater originality to philosophy.

Membership is open to all persons with a deep and abiding interest in the future of philosophy in the contemporary world.

For 25 years, the Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World has met to share and discuss questions in a friendly, engaging environment. This year, our annual meeting will be held from July 24-28 in Chicago, and we will be exploring the theme of Resilience.



O vitae philosophia dux.
Oh philosophy, you leader of life.


Philosophy in the Contemporary World is a peer-reviewed journal committed to the application of philosophy in understanding and providing potential responses to conceptual and practical questions pertinent to everyday social, cultural, and political life. The journal provides a unique venue for continuing dialogue in applied philosophy, contemporary ethical issues, social and political philosophy, philosophy and public policy, philosophy of the professions, race and gender, environmental philosophy, disability studies, and educational philosophy.

The latest issue is Volume 29, Issue 1 (2023).
You can access the issue at the Philosophy Documentation Center website.

Annual Conference

This year, the SPCW we will be considering the theme of "Resiliance" at our meeting in Chicago, IL.

We welcome papers on all topics, from any and all philosophical traditions. SPCW is especially interested in, and invites contributions by those from historically underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds, as well as anyone working to expand the scope and quality of philosophical discourses beyond the conventional canon. Hence, in addition to established philosophers, we welcome the fellowship of graduate students, nontraditional philosophers, and persons with other non-philosophical specializations. We aim to provide the atmosphere for a genuinely positive and supportive exchange of views.


For Grad Students

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SPCW welcomes and encourages participation by graduate students at the annual conference, as well as at APA sessions hosted by the society. Involvement and membership in SPCW provides graduate students with a network of colleagues who provide timely and thorough feedback and advice on research and writing, preparatory advice for the job market, and general mentoring.


apa involvement

We sponsor panel discussions at APA East, Central and West and encourage your participation


We offer discounted memberships for students & others with limited income

graduate student essay award

We offer recognition of an outstanding essay submitted to the annual conference